Joive Brand Creation


Brand & Product Naming

Brand Identity Creation

Brand Management Systems

A start-up organic baby formula company wanted to reduce the stigma around choosing formula over breast milk, and hoped to feature more atypical milks, such as goat, in a healthier way. 


Conducting in-depth research showed us a sea of in-category sameness in both naming approach and packaging style. To help the brand stand out, we first developed a unique name that would express joy and healthfulness, instead of something science-driven or childish: Jovie. We then crafted a modern and beautiful package – something parents wouldn’t mind having on their counters. Customizable, unique and distinct to each product, package illustrations carry a consistency that broaden the brand awareness of Jovie overall. We worked closely with Jovie to determine a style that fit the overarching brand, indicated source nutrients in each formula, and would adapt across all current and any future product lines.


Jovie products are well sought after in the company’s target markets.